Frequently Asked Questions

We’re glad you’re interested in the policies that are the backbone of our success. For more details about any of our policies, please refer to the student handbook located in the quick links on the Home page. If you have a question we have not answered here, please don’t hesitate to contact us; we understand it is sometimes easier to talk through the answer to your question.

What time should I pick my child up from school?

We ask that parents be at the school to pick up their children no earlier than 3:00 p.m. for kindergarten through fourth grade and no earlier than 3:30 p.m. for fifth through eighth grade.

Will the school provide textbooks for my child?

Yes! We provide all necessary textbooks for our students. We follow Arizona State Law regarding textbooks, so please understand that your child’s textbooks are subject to the following conditions:

  • The student issued the textbook is responsible for that book. We do not allow students to loan out books to others.
  • Students must pay for books if stolen, lost, or damaged.
How much homework should I expect my child to receive each night?

We’re glad you asked! Homework is essential to reaching our goal of establishing a firm foundation for pursuing knowledge and developing skills on an independent basis. Homework serves to develop individual study skills and responsibility while reinforcing skills and concept acquisition.

You should expect the following amount of homework each week:

Kindergarten: Two 15-Minute Assignments
Grades 1–2: Three 15-Minute Assignments
Grades 3–5: Three 30-Minute Assignments
Grades 6–8: Three 45-Minute Assignments

Your child’s classroom teacher will outline the consequences for students failing to complete homework assignments. Please contact your child’s teacher with any questions regarding the homework they send home with your child.

My child is sick. What is the procedure for reporting an absence?

We’re sorry your child is not feeling well. Your child’s health always takes priority. Please understand that according to state guidelines, legitimate excused absences include:

  • Illness verified by a parent/guardian and doctor or dentist appointments that you cannot schedule after school hours
  • Serious illness or death in the family
  • Religious holidays (requires written parent request)
  • Prior parent request, preferably in writing, with approval by principal or designee (such as a board member)
  • Administrative authorization (e.g., suspension, field trips, etc.)

In all instances, we require a written note from a parent or guardian. Please call the school between 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. A written note must follow all telephone calls reporting an absence. Please make sure your written note contains the following information:

  • Full name of the student
  • Date(s) student was absent
  • Specific reason for student’s absence (e.g., flu, strep throat, etc.)
  • Parent’s/Guardian’s signature
May I visit my child at school during the day?

We do not allow students to have visitors on campus; however, we do offer guest passes for parents or other adults who have a reason to visit San Fernando. We will not grant visitation privileges to students from other schools during the school day.

Who should my child report to if he or she has a problem with another student?

Your child’s mental and physical health and safety are our top priority. If your child feels he or she is in danger, he or she should contact a teacher or administrator immediately. For disagreements, we encourage our students to “talk it out.” Conflicts do not have to result in fights. We promote this mentality to help our students learn to be good problem solvers. You can read more about our “Talk It Out” program on the Our School page.

My child needs to take medication during the day. Who will administer the medicine for my child?

Parents must deliver all medications to our office that your child needs to take on a regular basis. Please inform your child to check with his or her teacher at appropriate times for these medications. The teacher will record all medication taken and times administered to ensure your child is receiving the proper dosage.